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Administrative service
Registered Nurse
Expected Payout

$5 per hour

Educational Attainment


20 hrs/wk

Experience Overview

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JOY V. CANES, RN Joy has been a registered nurse for 8 years, and an entrepreneur for 10 years. Having experiences in various areas in the hospital, making an impact in each area. She is an ally in the work place. She is always willing to help colleagues, superiors and people in general. Emotionally intelligent, pressures are a normal part of life and Joy believes and knows that a calm and secure mind is the first step to making the best decision. Joy has experiences in communication in the work place, seminars and at church. May it be speaking to one person or to a thousand, Joy has effectively done these things. Communication is her forte. She is ready, equipped and eager to help you and others with passion and enthusiasm.



  • Healthcare Virtual Assistants


  • Administrative service

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