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Job Overview

Sales Generations for Janitorial Cleaning Company

1. V/A must be able to collect data from scratch and put it in our spreadsheet. V/A must collect a minimum of 300 contacts and up in one day. 

2. V/A must be willing to work M-F  from 9am-6pm (1hr lunch/break). Central time. 

3. V/A must make no less than 100 calls per day (the goal is to schedule at least 1-2 appointments per day).

4. V/A must be able to speak English and be able to communicate with our potential clients in America. 

5. VA Must adjust to USA holidays Thanksgiving, Christmas day, 4th of July, and New years. Note: Our company doesn't recognize other countries holidays 


  • Appointment Setter


  • Marketing Virtual Assistants


  • Prospecting Services
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